Thursday, March 12, 2009

::its RREAAALLLLYYYYYYY me..but i DDDONNTTT like it::

another play2 quiz..hehe but its true~~~ spe2 yg xde keje cm ak meh la here

Your Working Style

You are extremely dependable and devotedly accept responsibilities beyond the call of duty. You have a complete, realistic, and practical respect for the facts. When you see from the facts that something needs to be done, you pause to think about it. If you decide that action will be helpful, you accept the responsibility. You can remember and use any number of facts, but want them all accurate. You like everything clearly stated.

Your private reactions, which seldom show in your face, are often vivid and intense. Even when dealing with a crisis you look calm and composed. Behind your outer calm you are viewing the situation from an intensely individual angle, often a delightfully humorous one. When you are "on duty" and dealing with the world, however, your behavior is sound and sensible.

You are thorough, painstaking, hard-working, and patient with particulars and procedures. You can do the "little" things that need to be done to carry a project to completion. Your perseverance tends to stabilize everything with which you are connected. You do not enter into things impulsively, but once in, you are very hard to distract or discourage. You do not quit unless experience convinces you that you are wrong.

You often choose careers where you can combine your careful observation and your caring for people, as in the health professions. Other fields attractive to you are teaching, office work, and occupations that provide services or personal care. You show your feeling preference in your contacts with the world. You are kind, sympathetic, tactful, and genuinely concerned; traits that make you very supportive to persons in need. (yeake??btol ke weyh?yea2 je ak nie..)

Because of your concern for accuracy and organization, you often move into supervisory roles. If you are in charge of something, your practical judgment and appreciation of what works make you conservative and consistent. You take care to collect the facts necessary to support your evaluations and decisions. As you gain experience, you compare the present problem to past situations.

For you, problems may be arise if your judgment is not developed. If your feeling preference remains undeveloped, you will not be effective in dealing with the world. You may instead retreat, becoming silently absorbed in your inner reactions to sense-impressions. Then nothing of value is likely to come out. Another potential problem is that you tend to be somewhat suspicious of imagination and intuition and not take it seriously enough.

yupp..its me..huhu..very2 perfectionist...but my type of perfectionist i didnt troubles others..if i want something to be perfect then i will do it all by myself...i didnt let others help me..x ske la ssh2kan org..the problem is,,,,its very2 tiring k...huhu eventough i'll feel very statisfied later but i have to look into every details walaupon sekecil semut api..huhuhu cmne?pnt tau...and im really dont believe in my imagination and intuition k...dlm exm even mende tuh dah btol pon leh jd slh tau sbb x cye ngan my instinct..huhu sume nak facts sgt..hambek ko..huhu HHHEEELLLPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!! nak buang sikap nie,,skit pon jd la...=(


  1. ko pn da tersuke wt quiz2 ni ea ein..

  2. hmmm
    pasni yakin jer
    xyah nak prejudis sgt...
    kelak memakan diri....

  3. ak mmg sgt ske la mizu'
    hehe...syok gle..
    slalu ak g kat
    buat smp dah nak muntah2

    en.anonymous:bkn prejudis la...perfectionist..hehe

  4. hmmma ada jugak la kaitannya....
    nak hilangkan perfectionist...
    x mungkin itu naluri anda semnjak dari lahir...
    tapi boleh kurangkan dengan menggunakan self-affirmation atau pun self can help u to build your confidence...and to prevent your mind to speak the negative you think your answer in exam is wrong but it is right..stop thinking and think another thing at that time...

  5. owh..cm2 ek...
    nnt nak try la...
    tp perfectionist nie cmne plak nak wut?sejak phm dunia mmg cm2 perangai nye..hehe
