Sunday, March 29, 2009

::makiN meNjadi2 but d0nt sigH::

rahang makin menjadi2 sakit nye...
hati pon makin menjadi2 sakitnye...
tp ak xnk mengeluh!tnd2 org x bersyukur..
jika ini ujian dari-NYA..
ak terime ngan redha..*muke dah pasrah gle*

boring2..kaum suku plak maybe ngah menjalani weekend dgn xnk la kaco kan..
ak pon bkk google...hurmm nak cari ape nie?
ak pon taip "what do you do when your heart hurts"
hehehe bley x cm2 ak tny dlm ati..
n kuar la segala yang merapu2...
ok just pick 1 article randomly...hehe
ak pon click...tggu die loading ngan pnuh sbr....
ak pon bce jwpn yg org anta...jwpn yg plng top yg plng dpt markah berbunyi begini

"Sit quietly and let it hurt.

There's just no substitute for taking your pain "like a man", even if you're a woman :) Breathing, relaxing as much as possible, crying if you have to cry, letting the natural process take it's course without resistance or "trying to overcome it".Most of us have at least heard of the "process" of grieving, which progresses through well-studied stages to resolution and healing, if all goes well. Something like that happens in any other kind of loss as well, such as a breakup. Trying to rush it or resist it or pretend it doesn't hurt, etc. are all bad ideas.

Life is SUPPOSED to be painful sometimes. That is not a mistake, and it's not the universe being unfair. That's part of how we become ourselves."

wahhh!!bgus ape yg ak nak wut skng,,,dok diam2 n nanes kalo perlu...dah nme dok diam2 xlme lg tdo la ak nie..hehe..thx dude..its really help..(even ak x knl org tuh..hehe)


  1. aaaa~
    aq bstuju dgn pndapat dude tersebut..
    saba ok ein..
    kuat ea=)

  2. hee..jgn risau...
    ak nie kental cm dodol durian..
    hee thnx

  3. wahhh~
    ein si dodol durian..

  4. aku pn stuju gk pndapat dude 2..huhu
    lg 1 klu cm kate ko ajar ak prob stat kn bgs...huhu
    p/s: ein nnt test dok sblh ye..huhu :P

  5. haha..ak pon bru je stdy 2 subtopik..byk gle msuk test..ak x terer la weyh

  6. budak kecik!
    aku nk duk sblah ko diam2 buleh x?

  7. btol ein!
    slalu nye(untk aku lerr)
    ngs lh lepas smue..wpun mslh tuh xselesai ag..huk2..
    kuat ok ein!!!
    there must be somethg that will make u happy l8er..sabar k.. *hugs*
