Tuesday, March 24, 2009

::whAt LOVE reaLLy mEanS??::

yea,,what does LOVE really means?i always ask myself dat question..
"LOVE is what makes you smile when you're tired"
"LOVE means to always give all"
"LOVE is blind"
"LOVE is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your french fries without making them give you any of theirs"
"Love means never having to say you’re sorry"
"Love means being with someone you care about and if you really love someone you will never stop thinking about them."
"LOVE means to feel someone in ever heartbeat,to find someone in every thought,to see someone with closed,and to miss someone without reason"
"LOVE means that you trust each other enough to close your eyes and let your partner lead the way"
"LOVE means caring for others, it means accepting one individual for who they are and not for how they are"
"LOVE is something you can't explain. Love is something that comes from the heart and you cant see it but you can feel it"
"LOVE means never having to say your sorry, never having to justify your every move.Love brings out the best in you."
"LOVE is trust, love is honesty, love is respect, and love is commitment."
lots of answer rite?which one is true?which one is real?
which one do you feel when you in love?
to me..LOVE means,,
always being there for the one you love...
and always be faithful to that person...
and you comfortable with them...
and you can just be yourself...
never having to feel pain...
above all..LOVE means happy..
whats LOVE means to you?


  1. "LOVE is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your french fries without making them give you any of theirs"
    --dlm kes aku,betol la mnde atas tuu..tp main reason nye actually sbb aku xsuke pn french fries at the 1st place..huhu~---

  2. haha....
    ape la mizu nie...
    ale you tu means spe?hehe

  3. alah ein,tanya pulak.
    mestilah AKU.
    *gelak jahat yang over*

  4. tlng la jgn perasantan eh eydot..

    haha..YOU tu ko la ein.. :)

    hihi..eydot jugak,yana gak,sumer org gak..
    muahaha..tamak love la aku niy..

  6. kt manusia mmg tamak dan selfish!hehe spe setuju?
    yea2 ale syg ak...eydot jgn perasan sg eyh..hehe
