Saturday, June 19, 2010

it will be heaven!

yesterday,,while i arranging files in my supervisor room suddenly she shocked me..

"farihin,,you don't have to come in tomorrow okay"

"huh?what did you just say?"

"you don't have to come in tomorrow"she repeating herself with smile..

"are you sure?tomorrow is half-day right?"me,,still confusing..asking and making my weirdest face

"yup..sure..why?you want to come to work?"

"NO no no no..tthheee" me,,smiling and stop asking question..hehe complete my job there and back to my seat..start planning my holiday..(okay,,i admit,nothing much to plan except going back to my parents home and being just lazy) will be heaven if every boss in the world are like that..we don't have to trouble ourself making lame excuses or skip work and then complaint about salary cut by the end of the month..the boss themselves tell us not to come!!!

and before i leave,she said that i don't have to come next Saturday too!!what a good boss she is!and i am very2 lucky to do my training there..she give a very good evaluation to my lecturer too..she give me a day off and i never been yelled or scolded since i start my training..and the best part is,, every time she wanted to give me task she will said this,,"could you please do the mini-prog account?" instead of "do the mini-prog account"..yeah,,maybe its not a big deal,,but it makes me feel appreciated..bullied?never in the story..=)

i love working there and i have another two weeks..just wanna enjoy my time there..but now,,let me enjoy my weekend before i start struggling with my training report..enjoy yours too!!=)

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