Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
hye..almost a week x update blog..xde ape yg nak dikongsi semua..just having a normal day..=)
esok akan ke mersing..ape ade kat mersing?nothing kot...saje ikot abg ngan kakak ipar..lagipun x penah smpi sane maybe this is a good time...before i walk into work world..hehe
bawa diri?maybe its true...cause i realize when im alone,,its hard to smile..rephrase,,i don't smile..
live is stressing me out...but i will never give up..
have a nice holiday everybody..=)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
happy birthday ayah!
besday ayah ari isnin haritu..lpe plak nak tulis sbb nye mmg dah plan nak smbut semalam after abang ngan kakak ipar balik dari semalam ktorg satu family pg makan2..rasanya nie first time korg g kuar makan semua ada..yealah abang2 ku duduk jauh2..mmg payah la kan..
so after maghrib ktorg pun gerak ke Sekinchan ikan bakar..bukan kat sekinchan yea tp kat kota damansara..nama restaurant tuh je sekinchan ikan bakar..mak ayah mmg dah lama aim nak try makan kat kedai ktorg pun serbu lah..ktorg lapan org je tp sampi 3 kete gerak..hehe gerak masing2 sbb abang ngan kakak ipar dari kepong..saya plak g amek adik kat UM..saya ngan adik lambat skit sampai sbb ktorg g beli kek..
jalan-jalan ronda KL
sejak korg boleh drive or ade kete,,bile last korg naik public transport?
saya ntah bila ntah,,dah tak igt..hehe
so ari isnin hari tuh,,berazam nak ronda KL naik public transport..
dari masjid jamek ke BTS ke BB naik LRT,Star,monorail,RapidKL pusing2,,window shopping,,shopping skit je..komuter je tak naik..
dari pagi ke petang jalan2..sampai sakit2 kaki ha ronda2..dah la sorg2..
actually saya suka jalan sorg2..melepaskan stress..bila jalan sorg2 macam lupe segala masalah,,segala beban,,segala kerisauan..make me smile again..=)
okay,,sekarang start cari keje dan sambung master...dah habes dah holiday..
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
jalan2 pegi makan
tgh hari td g amek faah yg baru balik jogathon..pastu dia cakap lapar,,saya plak mmg dah lama aim nak g mkn kat ice on da way balik,,ktorg pun singgah la ice room kota damansara..first time g makan ice room jakun la skit..makanan die quit nice ice cream dia mmg terbaekkk...
faah makan mee hoon sche zhuan ke ape name nye..ok lah..RM7.90
pretty messed up
yeah..i am pretty messed up now..
too much heart numb...
may Allah show me the right path..
hopefully i did the right thing..honestly,,thats all i could..
tears,,go away..and heart,,please come back to normal...
Friday, December 10, 2010
menipu cara baru...
mesti korg dah bese dengar pasal yg sms "TAHNIAH anda telah berjaya memenangi cabutan bertuah ***** bernilai RM10,000"..walaupun korg tak penah masuk ape2 contest kan..
sekarang nie lain plak M.O diorg..msg die cmni..
"Ni ayah pinjam hp kawan.tolong topup RM30,msg no PIN ke nom baru ayah..01286****5..ayah ada masalah kat balai polis..tak payah call nnt ayah call.cepat"
haa..jahat gila kan...saya dapat msg nie hari rabu hari tuh...punya la menggelabah mula2..yealah,,ayah kat balai polis..dah pk bukan2 la..igt ayah accident ke kete kena pecah ke ape ke kan..kelam kabut pg beli topup..seb bek sebelum send tuh faah kate ayah mane reti topup sendiri and suh kompemkan ngan mak..upe2 nye kena tipu je..seb baik lah x send lagi..
mcm2 cara org zaman sekarang nak menipu..sekarang nie guna nama family plak..x baik tau...lagi satu kalo ade org tepon korg tny pasal insurance kete..korg tny dulu diorg dari company mana..jgn percaya..bese nye orang dari mana2 company kalo diorg tepon diorg kena perkenalkan nama dan dari company mana..contoh nye "selamat pagi..saya en.abu dari syarikat *****" cmtu...nie protokol tau...belajar mase pratikal dulu..dan korg pun jgn la terus layan je..kalo korg xde urusan or x penah dengar company tu trus je la letak...
zaman sekarang nie kita perlu extra berhati2..jangan mudah percaya kan org..jangan dedahkan banyak sgt info tentang diri korg kat internet..ok?gudnite~
Thursday, December 9, 2010
cerita hari selasa..
okay..nie cerita hari selasa hari tuh..baru ade kesempatan nak tulis..hee semalam bz...
sebab dah lama sgt tak tgk movie dan nak minum cool blog,,saya ngan faah pun kuar la hari selasa hari tuh..pas zohor baru nak gerak sbb bangun lewat..qada' tdo..hehe walaupun cm dah lambat tp kuar jgk..sbb nye nak pegi dekat je..tesco kepong village mall..sempat tuh snap gmbr before serabut je lah..
sampai2 je beli tiket movie..pastuh serang cool blog!!korg tau tak cool blog tuh ape?tgk gmbr kat bwh nie..haa comel kan?alah,,die jual air yg ade bubble tea ade ice blended semua...mmg best..and murah je..saya minum pappermint red tea + bubble tea baru RM2.40..then pas movie minum lagi..vanilla oreo blog + buble tea RM3.50..
ktorg tgk the chronicles of narnia:the voyage of the dawn trader..haa saya nie mmg peminat narnia..dari yg first smpi yg baru nie tak penah miss tgk..siap ulang2 tgk..best2!prince caspian die hensem..hehe tapi yg best nye sbb tgk 3D so gmbr mmg cantik gile..kate fantasy kan so scenery die mmg sgt diorg lawan mmg smart..mmg best lah!crite nie tak penah menghampakan..=)
haa..cakap pasal movie..hari tuh sempat la jugak curi2 masa tgk movie..lepaskan tensen la kununnye...hee saya ngan adik tgk cite ngangkung..mesti pelik kan ein tgk citer melayu..hoho sbb nye org semua kata citer nie best giler,,so ktorg pun g la tgk..mmg best la...
citer nie pasal upacara ngangkung yg diamalkan oleh org yg men nom ekor,,which is sgt jarang disentuh dlm movie or even kiter sendiri pun jarang dengar..citer die simple dan sgt banyak sgt shahiezy sam mmg terer gle berlakon..dlm citer nie watak die ade anak,,dan die nmpk sgt mature bawak watak ayah..ohh,,hantu die agak seram jugak walupun klakar..lagi seram dari jangan pandang belakang kot..sbb mata hantu die and hantu die banyak bercakap..rase nye nie la first citer yg buat hantu die bercakap..klakar tp bile pk balik seram..ape cakap cm keling nie..kalau korg tgk korg fhm..x rugi korg tgk...
susah gile lah ein nak cakap tak rugi tgk citer melayu kan..hehe bukan tak nak sokong filem malaysia tp kt tgk wayang bayar gne duit..dan utk ape kt bayar kalo tak berbaloi kan..dah la x best mana plus nnt ade apa2 perayaan kuar la kat tunggu jela..siap boleh tgk ulang2 kat tv..smpi rasa nak muntah dah tgk...tapi tak semua filem melayu teruk..citer yg saya besenye tgk kat wayang citer afdlin shauki...saya g tgk papadom 2x k kat wayang..walaupun kuar kat tv still x bosan tgk..rasanye kalo citer ngangkung nie kuar kat tv pun tak bosan kot tgk..malaysia nie kena kuar banyak skit citer berkualiti..barulah maju...nie tak habis2 citer remaja keruntuhan akhlak..blughhh..we get it already k?just move on to another topic please...kalo ade jalan penyelesaian xpelah jugak nie mendorong kepada keruntuhan akhlak lagi ade...
apelah merapu panjang2 nie,,,have a nice day all~
Monday, December 6, 2010
exam dah habes!!!
seronok! the same time,,risau result..huhu
nie masa depan kot..nak jadi ape la sok..huhu
xpelah..biarlah Allah yg tentukan..saya dah sekarang nie tawakkal je lah..=)
mari kita tdo!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
hard and hurt
its HARD..
when i want to meet you BUT i cant..
because you are far away..
its HURT..
when i want to meet you BUT i cant..
even you are close..
when i want to meet you BUT i cant..
because you don't want to...
Sunday, November 21, 2010
akan stop update blog sementara..
insyaAllah akan start update bila hati dah pulih..or bila exam dah abes..
till then~~
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
sayu dengar takbir raya..mesti ada yg cam pelk kan..kenape nak sayu lak?kan saya kat rumah..
sbb nye mak ayah ngan adik balik kg..saya ngan kakak duk umah..huhu mak ayah balik dari hari ahad hari kakak xleh balik la sbb die skolah ari isnin selasa..saya plak?stay sbb nak lain dah syiok bergumbira,,saya sbuk study..huhu nie sume sbb exam start lambat..huh!
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
the social network

dah tgk citer nie..citer die bese je rasenye xdelah best thp gaban cam yg digembar gemburkan..
dalam citer nie membuktikan inventor facebook nie sgt la genius..mula2 igt die nie nerd..tak rupenya..dan ape yg saya rasa,,die nie sombong org nye..huhu just my opinion though..saya siap kata die evillish genuis lagi..
kalo korg nak tgk citer nie korg kne bersiap sedia berpk secara cepat..sbb most of the part,,semua org ckp dengan laju!saya selalu tertinggal..huhu pnt la pause then ulang..cite 2 jam jadi 2 jam 1/2..huhu kalo korg x suke cite yg heavy saya suggest tak payah la tgk citer nie..
next movie please..=)
Monday, November 15, 2010
And all you wanted is LOVE
But sometimes people just simply don't understand..
have you ever love someone so much till you hate yourself so much?
have you ever feel that no matter how hard you try you will never be best or be as what expected at least?
have you ever want to forget something trying to focus on other things but you can't?
have you ever,,have you ever,,have you ever wish that you are alone?
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
saya sebnarnya suka dengan org yg buat blog utk diri die sendiri..die x peduli org lain baca ke tak..yg penting die dapat luahkan perasaan..means die tulis blog tuh utk diri die sendiri..
kdg2 kt baca kt x faham pun ape die maksudkan sbb die tak cite pape..die just tulis perasaan die..die luahkan perasaan kat blog,,x tujukan buat sape2 kecuali diri die..x harap pape dari org lain kecuali puas hati..
blog cmni besenye kurang gmbr2..just kata2 yg simple tp meaningful..kagum2..
Friday, November 12, 2010
suke tp x bpe best sbb chorus die lirik lain still ok..=)
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
hadiah utk cik is..
boring punye pasal..
semalam atau lebih tepat pg td dalam kul 2 lebih saya ngan adik xtdo no no no..semalam xde mood nak study..majuk ngan cik is...huhu
so ape saya ngan adik buat?try shawl gaya baru..ktorg bukan nye pandai sgt bergaya2 nie kan so men lilit je then alter2..hehehe mcm2 gaya..guling2 gelak..satu pun x jadi..nmpk sgt tak pandai..hehe last2 curi idea dari tenet jgk...
Saturday, November 6, 2010
beli barang~
hari nie ktorg g beli barang dapur..barang semua dah abes..semalam nak masak pun bawang,,tempat bese,,giant kota damansara...sebelum jalan,,lunch dulu..laksa shack..makan mee-hun tomyam..then baru g beli barang..
hari nie x ramai sgt org sebab hari sabtu..selangor kempen xde plastik..kalo nak plastik kne bayar 20 org pun x bape ramai membeli-belah hari nie..saya ngan adik ape lagi,,smbil beli barang pun tgkp2 gmbr..bukan selalu giant lengang..mak kate ktorg xde keje..hehehe
kisah nye bile xde plastik kne la bawak beg sendiri dan isi sendiri..kelam-kabut cmpk je dlm beg..xleh keje market mak kate..hehehe dah la barang agak banyak memandangkan abg nak balik ujung bulan nie,,so prepare ape yg patot..
so nie lah hasilnya photoshoot ktorg..hahaha photoshoot la sgt...
Friday, November 5, 2010
winter sonata update
my parents finally safely arrived at klia this and my sis picked up my parents and along the way my mother told us how much fun they had so happy for them that everything went smoothly and they enjoyed their so-called honeymoon!they have a good time and many great memories..the only thing that they had problem with is food..obviously lah parents esp my mum are very fussy when it comes to food and at the country like know what i mean..its true my parents travel with Muslim agency but what can you expect..they don't have much varieties as we have here...when it comes to food,,Malaysia is always the best..=)
ok,,im done with talking,,now lets pictures tell you the rest..i only post few here..if you wanna see more go to my sis fb k?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Monday, November 1, 2010
my exam schedule
8.30 am: advanced linear programming
11.30 am: introductory combinatorics
8.30 am: computer scientific I
3.00 pm: data analysis
11.30 am: interest theory and derivatives
Saturday, October 30, 2010
what am i doing?
wanna create 1 special blog for me and cik is..gedik tak?haha
still have time to blog when i supposed to study..
Thursday, October 28, 2010
winter sonata..
my parents will depart to Korea on 11.30 pm tonight..for holiday/vacation/honeymoon..hope they will enjoy their time and have a safe journey..
ayah will be the only guy in the group of 20,,so i think they will always berkepit..hehehe 8 days and 6 nights trip..pandai2 lah mak layan ayah..hehehe
they will stay 2 nights at Jheju Island..yeah,,the beatiful,must see island..the one in Korean drama My Girl..they also will visit where they shoot for winter sonata...i'm so jealous...but i think i should give my parents some time for their mak,,dont forget to shopping for my behalf k..hehe
have a safe trip and have fun my parents~~
Monday, October 25, 2010
can't sleep..can't barely breathe..i got flu..i don't know where i pick up the flu..huhu i hate when i had flu..
boring...nothing to do..actually i have tons to final about a month away but i am still not in study mode..duhh~ what is wrong with you farihin?..this is your final semester..
can't sleep + boring + not in the mood to open my book = ended up with this cartoon..
Sunday, October 24, 2010
tired of this silence...
do i have to get through another one week with this silence?
dear birds and wind..come and sing...
but what song?there is no song can fill this silence i guess...
hey,,you there..yes you who named love...
you who give me feeling but then you give me silence...
you who inspired me happiness but then lead me to tears...
just please don't come and go..
i want you to come and stay...forever...
Saturday, October 23, 2010
when you thought everything will goes well,,suddenly a silent storm come by and ruin everything...
without you knowing what,why,when and how...
it breaks your heart into thousand pieces...
you pick it up,,patch it all by YOURSELF..
yes,,even with your family,bff,friends and all your loves one besides you still have to do it by your own..its like patching your heart is DIY things..
and without you realizing it,,the DIY things broke your heart to million pieces..
hurt,pain,lonely,sadness,tears become your new "bantal busuk"...
when you hate you hurt..when you love you smile..
thats why,,always love..and the easiest person to love is yourself..
and the easiest person to hate is the person you love the most..
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
busy busy busy
mggu depan last week ade cls,,then start study week..baru la ade masa skit..bleh study dengan tenang...fuhh~~
tp,, yg x best nye semester nie UM habis exam lambat gle!!orang lain bulan nie or ujung bulan depan dah abes..ktorg ujung bulan depan baru start exam..huhu x penah2 abang abes dulu exm,,sem nie abg dah abes,,saya baru nak start exam..tak aci!!!orang lain dah ronggeng ktorg baru nak start...huhu seb baik la nie alst sem,,so sabar je la..
plan after habis blaja:
1)ronggeng jap...hehe nie penting...2 mggu abes exam kt ronggeng dulu!
2)then baru pk nak keje kat pnb...
3)smbil keje nak buat master..part time...
chewah..tinggi angan2 kan?tp kalo xde plan xde i amimg for that..doakan saya yea?
hehe..exam pun blum dah sibuk dengan mende lain..cehh study la ein!!!
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
cerita pasal inner tudung..
since ramai sgt tanya pasal inner tudung atau nama glemer nye inner syria nie,,so saya pun tulis la entry nie..walaupun saya bukan lah fashionista mahupun stylo-mylo nak cite pasal fesyen2 sense of fashion sgt2 sempoi kite cite pasal inner je k?theee..
okay,,first thing yg korg kene tau,,inner nie ade macam2 jenis material..masa mula2 pening jugak,,xtau nak buat belasah je la kan?cuba try test,,kalo tak sampai bile2 pun xtau..geng cuba try test nie tak lain dan x bukan mestilah adik kesayanganku,,faah..hehe ktorg beli then try..tgk internet then cuba..mcm2 la..smpi dah expert..wahh perasan sungguh!!xdelah expert,,tau la skit2..
first material yg ktorg cuba,,cotton..
mule2 pakai melekap kat dahi!waaa,,dah la muka bulat,pipi tembam,dahi jendul,,then pakai inner melekap pulak...sungguh la huduh!!masa nie adik menggodek2 tenet dan menjumpai jalan penyelesaian..tetas skit kat blkng..tetas punya tetas,,nie la hasilnya~~ cotton nie selesa and tetas skit je dah jadi muncung..=)
then ktorg cuba pulak inner syria material lycra..2 tones,3tones sampai 4 tones ktorg cuba..
Sunday, October 10, 2010
love letter to cik is..
cik is,,
cik in mintak maap sgt2 buat cik is risau..jgn la marah lagi..reply la msg..
cik is,,
cik in tau cik in byk kurang tp cik in akan baiki diri utk jadi yg terbaik k?
huhu,,reply la msg...pls jgn marah2 lagi...=(
Thursday, October 7, 2010
haih..pening pk..dah la isu sensitive nie..huhu
pls very happy with my life now..
i have him..i have everything i needed..please dont mess up my mind..
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
FARIHIN BT ROSNI!!!sile rajinkan diri anda!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
terima kasih cinta
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
tok wan pulang ke rahmatullah
tepat jam 9.30malam 15 syawal bersamaan 24/9,,jumaat minggu lepas,,tok wan saya,,HAJI YAACOB telah selamat pulang ke rahmatullah..Al-Fatihah..tok wan slalu ckp die akan meninggal hari jumaat..betul cakap tok wan..
malam tu,,saya,,adik ngan kak lng(kazen) smpi kg tepat jam 3 pg..agak laju kak long drive..sampai2 je salam ngan tok..tok nangis..then tgk tok wan..muke arwah tenang je..sebelum tdo,,mak cite saat2 akhir tok wan..mak kata,,pagi tu tbe2 tok wan boleh luruskan kaki..sebelum nie kaki die mengkrekot je..sakit sbb gout dan kaki senang cramp bile lurus..pagi tu,,kaki tok wan lurus sendiri,,tapak kaki jatuh..masa nie rasanye semua org dah sedia..tok wan x henti2 sebut "laillahaillallah" walaupun nafas die dah tersekat2..lafaz itu masih disebut ketika nafas terakhirnya..
pg esoknya,,subuh2 lagi ktorg 1 family dah bersiap2 utk uruskan jenazah dan majlis pengebumian arwah..lepas smyg subuh,,saya baca yassin,,menggaji..then baru lah tolong mak ape yg dah mula ramai..yg laki2 dah siap2 nak angkat jenazah utk dimandikan..ktorg nie laki x ramai mana,,seb bek hampir semua,,nmpk la cam ramai..masa kapankan,,sayu...diorg pakaikan arwah serban..arwah nmpk comel je..muka berseri..mula2 saya x nangis pun,,bila tgk tok dan mak nangis,,mcm paip bocor air mata nie..tenang kejap je masa kucup arwah,,then nangis lagi..
lebih kurang kul11,,arwah tok wan selamat dikebumikan..semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat dan ditempatkan di kalangan orang2 yg beriman...
malam tu,,saya terpk..arwah tok wan seorang yg warak..tok wan dah jadi imam,tok kadi kat kampung tu bape lame pun xtau..dari saya kecik lagi tok wan mmg dah jadi sebulan seblum meninggal pn tok wan terseksa..sakit,,meracau mcm2 la..alhamdullilah tok wan terseksa tak lama dan hari terakhirnya mudah..saya yg lalai,,kurang amalan,,kurang ilmu,,kurang serba-serbi la senang crite,,agaknya mcm mane lah nnt..gerun~~ ya Allah,,berikanlah aku umur yg panjang utk beribadat kepada-MU..
owh sebelum terlupa,,terima kasih pada semua yg doakn tok wan saya..terima kasih banyak2 kat cik is sbb selalu teman dan bagi semangat kat saya..thanks dear~
insyaAllah,,malam nie baru parents saya balik cni..dah selesai majlis tahlil kat sana..=)
Friday, September 24, 2010
balik kampung
purse baru
yeay2!!ade purse baru..actually dah lame nak beli purse baru tp sayang purse lama...lagpun purse lama tuh cik is yg bagi dan saya jaga dengan penuh kasih sayang..chewah..xde cacat cela lagi purse tuh walaupun dah gne almost 3 bile tgk purse yg satu nie,,owhh~~ sungguh la tergoda!!selepas pk 44x,,akhirnya,,saya beli jgk!!hee..ape yg buat saya tergoda?purse nie nipis sgt2! x caya?tgk kat bawah..
saya beli purse nie kat sini termasuk postage..murah kan?hee kat sini jugak ade jual baju2 fesyen korea yg tengah hot skang nie..harga pun berpatotan tau..seller die pun friendly dan bagi prompt,,kalo korg nak jgk purse nipis cam saya,,g serbu blog tuh..=)
p/s:cik is jgn risau eh..purse yg 1 lagi pun gune jgk..=)