Does he know how the world is different since we met?
Can he see this shiny new creation that appeared with him?
Does he know that I think of him continuously?
That sometimes I can't sleep for fear of missing him.
Does he feel my heart beat for him and him alone?
Sometimes it does so loudly I think he could hear it regardless of the distance.
Does he trust the words I tell him?
They are only words but they are all I have to give to him.
Can he trust his heart although we seldom met?
My heart has been his for as long as I can remember.
Can he see that I will never mislead him?
That I will give every minute of my life to make him happy.
Does he know that I love him?
Does he know that I miss him?
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
::makiN meNjadi2 but d0nt sigH::
rahang makin menjadi2 sakit nye...
hati pon makin menjadi2 sakitnye...
tp ak xnk mengeluh!tnd2 org x bersyukur..
jika ini ujian dari-NYA..
ak terime ngan redha..*muke dah pasrah gle*
boring2..kaum suku plak maybe ngah menjalani weekend dgn xnk la kaco kan..
ak pon bkk google...hurmm nak cari ape nie?
ak pon taip "what do you do when your heart hurts"
hehehe bley x cm2 ak tny dlm ati..
n kuar la segala yang merapu2...
ok just pick 1 article randomly...hehe
ak pon click...tggu die loading ngan pnuh sbr....
ak pon bce jwpn yg org anta...jwpn yg plng top yg plng dpt markah berbunyi begini
"Sit quietly and let it hurt.
There's just no substitute for taking your pain "like a man", even if you're a woman :) Breathing, relaxing as much as possible, crying if you have to cry, letting the natural process take it's course without resistance or "trying to overcome it".Most of us have at least heard of the "process" of grieving, which progresses through well-studied stages to resolution and healing, if all goes well. Something like that happens in any other kind of loss as well, such as a breakup. Trying to rush it or resist it or pretend it doesn't hurt, etc. are all bad ideas.
Life is SUPPOSED to be painful sometimes. That is not a mistake, and it's not the universe being unfair. That's part of how we become ourselves."
wahhh!!bgus ape yg ak nak wut skng,,,dok diam2 n nanes kalo perlu...dah nme dok diam2 xlme lg tdo la ak nie..hehe..thx dude..its really help..(even ak x knl org tuh..hehe)
hati pon makin menjadi2 sakitnye...
tp ak xnk mengeluh!tnd2 org x bersyukur..
jika ini ujian dari-NYA..
ak terime ngan redha..*muke dah pasrah gle*
boring2..kaum suku plak maybe ngah menjalani weekend dgn xnk la kaco kan..
ak pon bkk google...hurmm nak cari ape nie?
ak pon taip "what do you do when your heart hurts"
hehehe bley x cm2 ak tny dlm ati..
n kuar la segala yang merapu2...
ok just pick 1 article randomly...hehe
ak pon click...tggu die loading ngan pnuh sbr....
ak pon bce jwpn yg org anta...jwpn yg plng top yg plng dpt markah berbunyi begini
"Sit quietly and let it hurt.
There's just no substitute for taking your pain "like a man", even if you're a woman :) Breathing, relaxing as much as possible, crying if you have to cry, letting the natural process take it's course without resistance or "trying to overcome it".Most of us have at least heard of the "process" of grieving, which progresses through well-studied stages to resolution and healing, if all goes well. Something like that happens in any other kind of loss as well, such as a breakup. Trying to rush it or resist it or pretend it doesn't hurt, etc. are all bad ideas.
Life is SUPPOSED to be painful sometimes. That is not a mistake, and it's not the universe being unfair. That's part of how we become ourselves."
wahhh!!bgus ape yg ak nak wut skng,,,dok diam2 n nanes kalo perlu...dah nme dok diam2 xlme lg tdo la ak nie..hehe..thx dude..its really help..(even ak x knl org tuh..hehe)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
huhu..sakit la..xtau gigi ke rahang yang sakit..nak kate sakit gigi or gusi mcm x je..ade org tumbuk ak tym ak tdo ke?ke ak ade langgar pape yang ak x igt?huhu nak mkn sakit..nak gelak sakit..plng sakit tym menguap..huhuhu npe nie..ayah,,tolong!!!spe2 tulun la...
tp bgus jgk sakit rahang/gusi/gigi nie..lupa sekejap hati yang sakit...
tp bgus jgk sakit rahang/gusi/gigi nie..lupa sekejap hati yang sakit...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
::whAt LOVE reaLLy mEanS??::
yea,,what does LOVE really means?i always ask myself dat question..
"LOVE is what makes you smile when you're tired"
"LOVE means to always give all"
"LOVE is blind"
"LOVE is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your french fries without making them give you any of theirs"
"Love means never having to say you’re sorry"
"Love means being with someone you care about and if you really love someone you will never stop thinking about them."
"LOVE means to feel someone in ever heartbeat,to find someone in every thought,to see someone with closed,and to miss someone without reason"
"LOVE means that you trust each other enough to close your eyes and let your partner lead the way"
"LOVE means caring for others, it means accepting one individual for who they are and not for how they are"
"LOVE is something you can't explain. Love is something that comes from the heart and you cant see it but you can feel it"
"LOVE means never having to say your sorry, never having to justify your every move.Love brings out the best in you."
"LOVE is trust, love is honesty, love is respect, and love is commitment."
lots of answer rite?which one is true?which one is real?
which one do you feel when you in love?
to me..LOVE means,,
always being there for the one you love...
and always be faithful to that person...
and you comfortable with them...
and you can just be yourself...
never having to feel pain...
above all..LOVE means happy..
whats LOVE means to you?
Monday, March 23, 2009
::anotHer m0viE review::TAKEN::
only by reading dat line from the poster,,ati ak tertarik2 nak g tgk cite TAKEN nie..hehe sounds cruel n cold right?mmg pon...nie sinposis cite tuh..
Former government operative Bryan Mills(Liam Nesson) gives up his career to spend more time with his daughter Kim, who lives with Bryan's ex-wife and her new husband. When Kim requests his permission to spend time in Paris with her friend Amanda, Bryan is weary of the dangers that could lie ahead for Kim in a foreign land. Bryan's worst fears are realized when Kim and Amanda are suddenly abducted in broad daylight from the Paris apartment at which they've just arrived. Moments before Kim is dragged away by the unknown assailants, she manages to phone Bryan, who begins to expertly piece together clues that will take him to the darkness of Paris's underworld, and to the City of Light's plushest mansions. He will face nightmares worse than anything he experienced in black ops--and let nothing and no one stop him from saving his daughter.
best x?hehe...cite die 80% action k...mmg syok la tgk die bunuh org yg terlibat dgn penculikan ank die...dah la die sgt bijak dlm mencari org yg gle lah..n die bunuh semua org dr A to Z dgn kejam nye..sbb die x bunuh gne weapon or byngkan la die kepak2 pale org cmne...mmg sgt dasat..he is cruel cold blooded murder...dah la suare Liam Nesson nie besar cm transformer..mmg sgt macho..
so ak cdgkan kpd org yg ske tgk cite action and yg thrill2 la tgk cite nie..x rugi ah..mmg best..ak nak tgk!!spe2 yg nk tgk ajak ak..hehe
::miNtak mAap yeA::
ak mintak mintak maap yea tbe2 menghilang je..
korg mesti wisau..(bajet nye..ntah2 ko x sedar pon ak xde..hehe)
mggu lepas kan cuti sekolah..adik ak blek..
komp kat umh wosak..
adik ak plak mmg xleh idop kalo x o9 ble blek umh..
so sebagai kakak yg bek ati ak pon tggl kan laptop ak utk adik ak...
tuh yg ak x o9 sowie sbb x smpt bgtau korg...
skang ak dah kembali!!hehe...ak akn tulis byk2...
so many things happen in last week..
things dat make me smile...make me cry..make me feeling so down...
n the saddest thing i cant let it out to anybody since laptop xde...huhu..
so to all my suku-suku..sile bersedia utk menanah telinga yea..huhu
Friday, March 13, 2009
::MAGY and ice-cream::
p/s:MAGY yg dimaksudkan ialah megi k..MAGY ejaan yg advanced lg hi-tech dr peng..=p
ak nie dah la mkn megi goreng je..yg ade kuah2 tu ak jrng ar mkn..x pndi..slalunye org jrng mkn megi goreng nie..yeala,,leceh kan..nak kne buang air die dlu la ape ak ske..n ak still mkn 2 hari sekali..huhu kalo ak mls pon ak rajinkan gak diri ak utk wut megi..smpi cm2..smpikan ari tu ak blek umh,,ak dah melantak mkn 2 pggn nasi pon 2jam pastu ak msuk dpur masak megi..mak ak dah pelik.."awak x kenyang lg ke?" mak ak tny.."x,,sje nak mkn..hee" then ak senyum kambing..mak ak pelik..haish..ape nak jd ak nie..megi nie dah la x bgus..kang ak jd lembab ke,,botak ke cmne..huhu kepada diri sendiri..tlng la benti tebiat k..

2-3 mggu nie ak perasan,,ak asek mkn megi ngan eskem je..ari nie mkn megi,esk mkn eskem,lusa mkn megi,tulat mkn eskem..setiap hari mcm2 ok..n ak mengakui yg ak ADDICTED..huhu


nie cite eskem lak...ak mkn eskem 2 hari skali gak..huhu cume ari tuh,,pas mkn 3 scoop baskin n robin ngan mr.onN ak x mkn dah smpi la smlm...ak leh rsekan bdn ak menggigil2 mntk eskem..(ok,,ayat over..heee)..ak dgn tekadnye,,after isyak trus kuar sorg2 sbb xnk susahkn org cold storage...ak siap bwk sudu k..nak mkn tros after beli..smpi je kat cold storage,,xde parking lak..adoiyai...ak pusing2 3x x jmp parking gak..skali lg ak tekad utk parking tepi jln..kejap je,,ak ckp dlm ati..nmpk je cold storage,,trus drooling..blom nmpk eskem lg..ble dah nmpk eskem,,ak excited...lme gle dok dpn freezer eskem tuh..xtau nak pilih mne satu..last2 ak pilih eskem smarties..yg 1L nye..haha gle haloba lah ak..dah byr sume,,ak jln cpt2..ak seluk pket cr sudu..waa sudu ak ilang lak..adey toll..lg cpt a jln..smpi kat tmpt parking ak tgk ade org ngah saman2 kete yg dok tepi jln nie...alamak,,ak cepat2 je cabut b4 kete ak kne saman..ak drive cam org gle..nak cpt smpi bilik..haha smpi je bilik aktrus cr sudu..ngan x nyempat2 nye ak trus mkn eskem..lega...pas mkn 5-6 sudu bru la ak offer rum8 ak mkn skali..hehe ak mkn hmpr half of the box k..smpi brain freeze n dah muak..hehe yg lbey2 tuh member2 ak kejekan plak..mse muak tu ak ade ckp ngan ale..ak maybe x mkn eskem semggu jujurnye,,odw ak ngah tulis entry nie,,ak g pjbt jap..ade hal skit..n ak lalu dpn ko-op..n ak mkn eskem lg..eskem potong perisa jagung..sdpp..
ak tau nie semua menggemukkan..huhu n semua org pon dah tgor ak cm tong dram ak x peduli..yg penting berat ak maintain..nek sekilo je ak akn lari 1 um..phm2 la um besar mne k..hehe yg plng penting skali ak sehat..bkn "sehat" ok..mksd ak xde penyakit ke ape..kalo kurus tp sakit pon xbest..gemok n byk penyakit pon bek ak maintain je cmni n sihat,,bebas dr sebarang penyakit!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
::its RREAAALLLLYYYYYYY me..but i DDDONNTTT like it::
another play2 quiz..hehe but its true~~~ spe2 yg xde keje cm ak meh la here
Your Working Style
You are extremely dependable and devotedly accept responsibilities beyond the call of duty. You have a complete, realistic, and practical respect for the facts. When you see from the facts that something needs to be done, you pause to think about it. If you decide that action will be helpful, you accept the responsibility. You can remember and use any number of facts, but want them all accurate. You like everything clearly stated.
Your private reactions, which seldom show in your face, are often vivid and intense. Even when dealing with a crisis you look calm and composed. Behind your outer calm you are viewing the situation from an intensely individual angle, often a delightfully humorous one. When you are "on duty" and dealing with the world, however, your behavior is sound and sensible.
You are thorough, painstaking, hard-working, and patient with particulars and procedures. You can do the "little" things that need to be done to carry a project to completion. Your perseverance tends to stabilize everything with which you are connected. You do not enter into things impulsively, but once in, you are very hard to distract or discourage. You do not quit unless experience convinces you that you are wrong.
You often choose careers where you can combine your careful observation and your caring for people, as in the health professions. Other fields attractive to you are teaching, office work, and occupations that provide services or personal care. You show your feeling preference in your contacts with the world. You are kind, sympathetic, tactful, and genuinely concerned; traits that make you very supportive to persons in need. (yeake??btol ke weyh?yea2 je ak nie..)
Because of your concern for accuracy and organization, you often move into supervisory roles. If you are in charge of something, your practical judgment and appreciation of what works make you conservative and consistent. You take care to collect the facts necessary to support your evaluations and decisions. As you gain experience, you compare the present problem to past situations.
For you, problems may be arise if your judgment is not developed. If your feeling preference remains undeveloped, you will not be effective in dealing with the world. You may instead retreat, becoming silently absorbed in your inner reactions to sense-impressions. Then nothing of value is likely to come out. Another potential problem is that you tend to be somewhat suspicious of imagination and intuition and not take it seriously enough.
yupp..its me..huhu..very2 perfectionist...but my type of perfectionist i didnt troubles others..if i want something to be perfect then i will do it all by myself...i didnt let others help me..x ske la ssh2kan org..the problem is,,,,its very2 tiring k...huhu eventough i'll feel very statisfied later but i have to look into every details walaupon sekecil semut api..huhuhu cmne?pnt tau...and im really dont believe in my imagination and intuition k...dlm exm even mende tuh dah btol pon leh jd slh tau sbb x cye ngan my instinct..huhu sume nak facts sgt..hambek ko..huhu HHHEEELLLPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!! nak buang sikap nie,,skit pon jd la...=(
Your Working Style
You are extremely dependable and devotedly accept responsibilities beyond the call of duty. You have a complete, realistic, and practical respect for the facts. When you see from the facts that something needs to be done, you pause to think about it. If you decide that action will be helpful, you accept the responsibility. You can remember and use any number of facts, but want them all accurate. You like everything clearly stated.
Your private reactions, which seldom show in your face, are often vivid and intense. Even when dealing with a crisis you look calm and composed. Behind your outer calm you are viewing the situation from an intensely individual angle, often a delightfully humorous one. When you are "on duty" and dealing with the world, however, your behavior is sound and sensible.
You are thorough, painstaking, hard-working, and patient with particulars and procedures. You can do the "little" things that need to be done to carry a project to completion. Your perseverance tends to stabilize everything with which you are connected. You do not enter into things impulsively, but once in, you are very hard to distract or discourage. You do not quit unless experience convinces you that you are wrong.
You often choose careers where you can combine your careful observation and your caring for people, as in the health professions. Other fields attractive to you are teaching, office work, and occupations that provide services or personal care. You show your feeling preference in your contacts with the world. You are kind, sympathetic, tactful, and genuinely concerned; traits that make you very supportive to persons in need. (yeake??btol ke weyh?yea2 je ak nie..)
Because of your concern for accuracy and organization, you often move into supervisory roles. If you are in charge of something, your practical judgment and appreciation of what works make you conservative and consistent. You take care to collect the facts necessary to support your evaluations and decisions. As you gain experience, you compare the present problem to past situations.
For you, problems may be arise if your judgment is not developed. If your feeling preference remains undeveloped, you will not be effective in dealing with the world. You may instead retreat, becoming silently absorbed in your inner reactions to sense-impressions. Then nothing of value is likely to come out. Another potential problem is that you tend to be somewhat suspicious of imagination and intuition and not take it seriously enough.
yupp..its me..huhu..very2 perfectionist...but my type of perfectionist i didnt troubles others..if i want something to be perfect then i will do it all by myself...i didnt let others help me..x ske la ssh2kan org..the problem is,,,,its very2 tiring k...huhu eventough i'll feel very statisfied later but i have to look into every details walaupon sekecil semut api..huhuhu cmne?pnt tau...and im really dont believe in my imagination and intuition k...dlm exm even mende tuh dah btol pon leh jd slh tau sbb x cye ngan my instinct..huhu sume nak facts sgt..hambek ko..huhu HHHEEELLLPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!! nak buang sikap nie,,skit pon jd la...=(
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
::9 bEst tHingS n 3 bad thiNgs hAppeNs::
dah bpe ari x update blog..hee bz..
bz dgn aktiviti2..chewah..aktiviti yg melaghokan..hehe
dr ari jumaat smp isnin byk sgt mende yg best n xbest yg jd..
sbb 2 la title entry cm2..
BEST:hanging out wit my bff..eydot,yana,peng..ktorg g putrajaya..melantak kat pizza then g jln2 kat park..hehe ktorg amek byk sgt gmbr..even dirong sume dah upload kat blog masing2 ak nak jgk..walaupon lmbt..hehe
kami berempat..sebelum makan..masing2 muka wut2 epy amek gmbr..lapar semenanye..
ak ngan yana yg cun berselendang!
yana dah nak blek indon..i'll miss ya sweetie!
ak ngan eydot yg pon berselendang tp pas mkn tukar tudung bese..hehe
apesal mate ak cm2?
ak ngan peng yg semakin ayu sejak "berdua lbey bek"..pki skirt tuh..all pink k!
ak sengal!heehee
.jpg)
peng bz lyn "bie" die..
diorg nie nak terbang ke langit kunon nye..hehe

lastly,,kami berempat..peng x sempat2 nak minum air..


lastly,,kami berempat..peng x sempat2 nak minum air..
TAK BEST:ale is not here..huhu miss u dear...nnt ble ko blek kt hang out tau!jgn sdey k...
BEST:jmp ngan my mr.onN..selepas 80 hari x jmp..(yea sye kre dlm hari)..lme kan ktorg x jmp?mcm nie la kalo dah sorg kan utara sorg kat selatan..huhu akhirnye die blek jgk..ktorg lepak kat mcd smp kul 5 pg..hehe
nie la mr.onN ak..hehe mse nie bru pas mkn
tue yg mke ngantok je..tym nie ngah mkn eskem..sdpnye...hee

BEST:me and mymr.onN kuar lg....hehe smpi la ke ptg..peduli la ape org nak ckp..ape korg nk pk..ktorg dah lme gle x jmp k..huhu so tlng le memahami..hehe
tym nie pg lg..bce paper dlu sebelum tgk movie..
TAK BEST:sblm ktorg gerak kuar tue,,ktorg gadoh skit..huhu slh phm..seb bek la ak x baran ari tu..kalo x mst dah hentak stereng lg..hee die kate ak moody sbb x ckp tdo..hee
BEST:blek2 umh je..mak mskkan lauk sdp..gulai ayam..ak mkn 2 pinggan k..mak msk ape2 pon mst sdp!syg mak~~
BEST:bgn lmbt..heee then ngadap laptop..tolong mak cari tmpt yg besh utk pg tgk mak happy..ayah plak dah x larat nak melayan mak..hehe best tgk mak ayah bahagia...
BEST:melayan komik..conan dan penyiasat remaja..heheyea,,sye maseh layan komik even taun nie nak msuk 21..
TAK BEST:fon ak tnp sebarang amaran,,merosakkan diri die..huhu..tensen!!
BEST:beli fon nak repair2 fon cikai jela..sye x mampu..janji bley ckp ngan msg sudah..ade fon jgk..heee
BEST:ayah suh blek esk pg..means 1 mlm lg tdo kat umh..hehe n mlm tu ktorg tgk cite feveret 1 family..believe it or not,,cite P.Ramlee "TIGA ABDUL"..hehe
setiap hari mmg ade yg best and yg x best yg jd dlm life kt..
so hargai setiap yg best yg jd dan bergembira sepuas2nye..
biarkan yg x best berlalu ditelan mse..;)
Sunday, March 8, 2009
::xtauLa naK ckp bt0l ke x..tlng dEcidE kan..::
yeay2!!another quiz dr mizu'..sye mmg ske jwb quiz gini!!
Your view on yourself:
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
>> sweet nye la saye nie..haha
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
>> sye rse sye nie x romantic lngsng..hehe nnt nak tny mntx pndpt mr.onN la..
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
>>btol2..ble nak kawen nie?hehehe kegatalan btol..
The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
>>xtau lla plak..rsenye bese2 je..hurm..kompius
Your views on education:
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
>>sye mmg xske study..unusual job tue cmne ek?nak try test..
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
>>plak kate len..huhu maybe unusual job tue secure job
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
>>try unusual job n success eh?kompius lg..
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
>>yg nie btol..slalu wisau pasal berat n ape yg org akn kate ble sye pki something..huhu
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
>>energy 2 ade..confident tuh x berape..unpredictable tuh btol..rmi sgt yg ckp cm2..hee..
Your view on yourself:
You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.
>> sweet nye la saye nie..haha
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.
>> sye rse sye nie x romantic lngsng..hehe nnt nak tny mntx pndpt mr.onN la..
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
>>btol2..ble nak kawen nie?hehehe kegatalan btol..
The seriousness of your love:
Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.
>>xtau lla plak..rsenye bese2 je..hurm..kompius
Your views on education:
You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.
>>sye mmg xske study..unusual job tue cmne ek?nak try test..
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
>>plak kate len..huhu maybe unusual job tue secure job
How do you view success:
You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.
>>try unusual job n success eh?kompius lg..
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
>>yg nie btol..slalu wisau pasal berat n ape yg org akn kate ble sye pki something..huhu
Who is your true self:
You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.
>>energy 2 ade..confident tuh x berape..unpredictable tuh btol..rmi sgt yg ckp cm2..hee..
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
::budAk nAkaL!!::
A boss of a big company needed to call one of his employees about an
urgent problem with one of the main computers.
He dialed the employee's home phone number and was greeted with a child's whispered, "Hello?"
Feeling put out at the inconvenience of having to talk to the youngster, the boss asked,
"Is your Daddy home?"
"Yes," whispered the small voice.
"May I talk with him?" the man asked.
To the surprise of the boss, the small voice whispered, "No."
Wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked, "Is your Mommy there?
"Yes," came the answer.
"May I talk with her?"
Again the small voice whispered, "No."
Knowing that it was not likely that a young child would be left home alone, the boss decided he would just leave a message with the person who should be there watching over the child.
"Is there anyone there besides you?" the boss asked the child.
"Yes," whispered the child, "a policeman."
Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee's home, the boss asked,
"May I speak with the policeman?"
"No, he's busy," whispered the child.
"Busy doing what?" asked the boss.
"Talking to Daddy and Mommy and the Fireman," came the whispered answer.
Growing concerned and even worried as he heard what sounded like a helicopter through the ear piece on the phone, the boss asked, "What is that noise?"
"A hello-copper," answered the whispering voice.
"What is going on there?" asked the boss, now alarmed.
In an awed whispering voice, the child answered,
"The search team just landed the hello-copper."
Alarmed, concerned, and more than just a little frustrated, the boss
asked, "What are they searching for?"
Still whispering, the young voice replied along with a muffled
giggle, "ME."
ok..entri nie xde motif..ak sje menghiburkan hati dgn bce jokes kat tenet..n i found this 1..budak kecik nakal!haish~ jgn la ade ank cmni..huhu~
urgent problem with one of the main computers.
He dialed the employee's home phone number and was greeted with a child's whispered, "Hello?"
Feeling put out at the inconvenience of having to talk to the youngster, the boss asked,
"Is your Daddy home?"
"Yes," whispered the small voice.
"May I talk with him?" the man asked.
To the surprise of the boss, the small voice whispered, "No."
Wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked, "Is your Mommy there?
"Yes," came the answer.
"May I talk with her?"
Again the small voice whispered, "No."
Knowing that it was not likely that a young child would be left home alone, the boss decided he would just leave a message with the person who should be there watching over the child.
"Is there anyone there besides you?" the boss asked the child.
"Yes," whispered the child, "a policeman."
Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee's home, the boss asked,
"May I speak with the policeman?"
"No, he's busy," whispered the child.
"Busy doing what?" asked the boss.
"Talking to Daddy and Mommy and the Fireman," came the whispered answer.
Growing concerned and even worried as he heard what sounded like a helicopter through the ear piece on the phone, the boss asked, "What is that noise?"
"A hello-copper," answered the whispering voice.
"What is going on there?" asked the boss, now alarmed.
In an awed whispering voice, the child answered,
"The search team just landed the hello-copper."
Alarmed, concerned, and more than just a little frustrated, the boss
asked, "What are they searching for?"
Still whispering, the young voice replied along with a muffled
giggle, "ME."
ok..entri nie xde motif..ak sje menghiburkan hati dgn bce jokes kat tenet..n i found this 1..budak kecik nakal!haish~ jgn la ade ank cmni..huhu~
::yuna and estrella rockxx::
jumaat lepas2..yuna ngan estrella dtg perfom kat UM..utk talent search yg kolej 2nd organize.. ak ngan member2 ak pon g la tgk...rmi gle semua dtg tgk yuna n estrella je...ble diorg dah perfom most of student akan blah...yuna perfom in the middle of xde la obvious sgt sbb rmi ngah tggu estrella..estrella plak perfom sblm penyampaian hadiah..tym juri ngan kire markah..abes je diorg perfom,,rmi gle blah..x tgk pon spe yg mng..haha perlu ke tgk lgpun..yg msuk pon ntah pape je..bosan gle..







aktiviti ak ngan member2 ak lak...pas je diorg perfom,,g backstage amek gmbr...hehehe tp yg x best nye,,ktorg x smpt nak amek gmbr ngan estrella...batt camera kong..huhu ade kat hp n kat camera sape2 ntah..nak kne kumpul dlu...nnt ak post yuna ade gak,,tp gle x clear la...sbb tym 2 ktorg duk blkng..rmi sgt org this is the pictures!!
btw,,yuna nyanyi 2 lgu,,1 new english song..another 1 is dan sebenarnya..
esterlla nyanyi 3..yg 1st ak dah x igt..hee sori..
then,stay and foolish sense..
before the show starts..
ak ngan seqda..kebosanan + kesengalan..
ak ngan gosip terbaru hee~~ drummer band yuna..
yuna bz layan peminat..
hey!ktorg x ready lg la...hehe
lastly...ktorg ngan yuna~~
ade org kate muke ak ngan yuna lbey kurang..*wink2* hee~~
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
::sakit hati or hati yg sakit?::
hurm,,ade beza x?sakit hati dgn hati yg sakit...
xtau la...
yg pasti nya hati ak skang nie ngah rse x tenteram..sbb ape..
ya tpt skali~ sbb hati ak ngah sakit..
ckp2 la tu..
sy tau sy x sempurna..
im just an ordinary dull not perfect at all...
dan sy nie jenis yg percya hanya ALLAH je yg sempurna..
kt sebagai hamba-NYA,,masing2 ade kelebihan dan kelemahan..
dan sebelum sy terima sesorg2 dlm hidup sy,,sy akn pastikan diri sy menerima semua kelemahan dan kelebihan org tersebut..
so,,x perlu la nak merendah2 diri sbb kt semua sama je..
kalo sy ade terbgga diri,,sy mintak maap k..
dah la tu..
xmo gadoh2..
x larat dah...
sy sakit..
hati sy pon sakit..
hati sy dah tawar..
tp sy tau sy kne byk sbr..
nie semua dugaan..
so,,pesanan buat hati..
tabah je la yea..
wut2 x peduli je yg awk tu sakit k..=)
walaupun tau org yg sy tujukan nie xkan bce,,sy tetap nak tulis jgk!blog sy..ske ati sy la..lalalala~~
Sunday, March 1, 2009
::suRvey aLe::
1.What can be found on your bed?
>> 1 bantal,1 selimut,1 bntl busuk,1 teddy bear..
2.Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed?
>> mst la ttp ~malu i~
3.Are your underwear and socks folded in your drawer or just thrown in?
>> setuju ngan ale..busy body gle soalan niy..mst la lipat dlu..
4.Sleep on your back or stomach?
>> nope..never..i sleep like a fetus
5.Are you a cuddler?
>> erm,,x kot..
6.What would I find if I looked UNDER your bed?
>> buku katoon..senang nak amek kalo xleh tdo..hee
7.Something that happened today that made you angry?
>> xde..sye bahagie je duk umh..
8.What were you doing before this survey?
>> skyping ngan eydot..
.What will you do after the survey?
>> iron bju utk cls esk..
10.Marriage or living together?
>> blum smp mse nak kawen lg..tggu abes blaja dlu~~
11.What shirt are you wearing now?
>> pyjamas..ade gmbr bear2..
12.Do you sing?
>> karaoke dlm kotak kecik pemalu..hee
13.Do you de-label your beer bottles?
>> sy org islam..arak tuh haram..
14.Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
>> alwiz hide..
15.Is there something you regret and wish you could take back?
>> xleh tarik mntk maap je la..
16.First thing you do when you wake up?
>> ttp mate blek..hehehehe
17.Ever had surgery?
>> kne jahit kre x?
18.Last argument you got into with?
>> mst la ngan mr.onN..ktorg rajin gado~~
19.Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
>> x..xde keje ke..lgpon nnt botol 2 nmpk burok..
20.What's one good thing about your best friends?
>> diorg sume you all~~~
21.How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?
>>sgt2 lme...sye jenis ssh nak tdo..even dah gelap n sunyi still need at least half an hour..spe2 leh tulun?
22.Current song on myspace?
>> xde2~~
23.When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?
>> absolutely yes~~
24.If you were given the chance to take care of a monkey for a weekend, would you?
>> xmo~~ tkot..
25.What is the current advertisement on the side of the screen?
>> none
26.What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
>> pg bercuti kat jakarta~~
27.Who are you texting?
>> mr.onN yg ngah cite psl dak eksiden..
28.It's saturday afternoon, where are you usually?
>> tgk movie xpon tolong mak masak..
29.Honestly, if you could have ANYONE in the world, who would it be?
>> bill gates..die sgt kaye~~~
30.Your Christmas list consists of?
>> my birthday~~ heee
32.You need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first?
>> jusco..slalu pun shoping kat situ..murah2..hehe
33.How do you feel about your hair?
>> bese je..ati kering~~
34.What movie is in your DVD player?
>> transporter3
35.If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?
>> kat mne2 yg ade pulau yg sgt cantik..
36.How much do looks matter to you in a guy/girl?
>> doesnt matter much..asalkan die x selekeh sudey~~
37.What's the greatest thing that happened to you today?
>> adik kate kek sye sdp~~
38.How many TRUE best friends do you have?
>> lbey dr sorg..
39.What would you change about your life right now?
>> nak mr.onN study dkt2 cni je..
40.What’s the best feeling in the world?
>> surrounded by people we love~~
>> 1 bantal,1 selimut,1 bntl busuk,1 teddy bear..
2.Do you go to the bathroom with the door open or closed?
>> mst la ttp ~malu i~
3.Are your underwear and socks folded in your drawer or just thrown in?
>> setuju ngan ale..busy body gle soalan niy..mst la lipat dlu..
4.Sleep on your back or stomach?
>> nope..never..i sleep like a fetus
5.Are you a cuddler?
>> erm,,x kot..
6.What would I find if I looked UNDER your bed?
>> buku katoon..senang nak amek kalo xleh tdo..hee
7.Something that happened today that made you angry?
>> xde..sye bahagie je duk umh..
8.What were you doing before this survey?
>> skyping ngan eydot..
.What will you do after the survey?
>> iron bju utk cls esk..
10.Marriage or living together?
>> blum smp mse nak kawen lg..tggu abes blaja dlu~~
11.What shirt are you wearing now?
>> pyjamas..ade gmbr bear2..
12.Do you sing?
>> karaoke dlm kotak kecik pemalu..hee
13.Do you de-label your beer bottles?
>> sy org islam..arak tuh haram..
14.Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
>> alwiz hide..
15.Is there something you regret and wish you could take back?
>> xleh tarik mntk maap je la..
16.First thing you do when you wake up?
>> ttp mate blek..hehehehe
17.Ever had surgery?
>> kne jahit kre x?
18.Last argument you got into with?
>> mst la ngan mr.onN..ktorg rajin gado~~
19.Do you tend to rip the paper off water bottles?
>> x..xde keje ke..lgpon nnt botol 2 nmpk burok..
20.What's one good thing about your best friends?
>> diorg sume you all~~~
21.How long does it take for you to fall asleep at night?
>>sgt2 lme...sye jenis ssh nak tdo..even dah gelap n sunyi still need at least half an hour..spe2 leh tulun?
22.Current song on myspace?
>> xde2~~
23.When you shut off your alarm clock, do you tend to fall back asleep?
>> absolutely yes~~
24.If you were given the chance to take care of a monkey for a weekend, would you?
>> xmo~~ tkot..
25.What is the current advertisement on the side of the screen?
>> none
26.What are you looking forward to in the next few months?
>> pg bercuti kat jakarta~~
27.Who are you texting?
>> mr.onN yg ngah cite psl dak eksiden..
28.It's saturday afternoon, where are you usually?
>> tgk movie xpon tolong mak masak..
29.Honestly, if you could have ANYONE in the world, who would it be?
>> bill gates..die sgt kaye~~~
30.Your Christmas list consists of?
>> my birthday~~ heee
32.You need a new pair of jeans, what store do you go to first?
>> jusco..slalu pun shoping kat situ..murah2..hehe
33.How do you feel about your hair?
>> bese je..ati kering~~
34.What movie is in your DVD player?
>> transporter3
35.If you could move away, no questions asked, where would you move?
>> kat mne2 yg ade pulau yg sgt cantik..
36.How much do looks matter to you in a guy/girl?
>> doesnt matter much..asalkan die x selekeh sudey~~
37.What's the greatest thing that happened to you today?
>> adik kate kek sye sdp~~
38.How many TRUE best friends do you have?
>> lbey dr sorg..
39.What would you change about your life right now?
>> nak mr.onN study dkt2 cni je..
40.What’s the best feeling in the world?
>> surrounded by people we love~~
::seVen p0uNds::

This story is about Tim Thomas(Will Smith) was invovled in a car crash,which was caused by him using his mobile phone;seven people died: six strangers and his fiancée..
After that incident,he choose to live in very miserable way..he even moves out of his house and into a local motel taking with him his pet box jellyfish,a very beautiful but most dangerous creature...Tim felt very guilty and decide to live no more..but before he kill himself he want to redeem himself by saving seven others life..but he want to give his life only to people who he think really deserve it..he plans with his friend Dan,acts as executor to ensure that his organs are donated..Dan cried but Tim already make his mind..
he quit his job as an aeronautical engineer and stolen his brother's credentials, and making himself known by his brother's name Ben,an IRS agent..Tim donates a lung lobe to his brother,who suffer from lung cancer,donates part of his liver to a child services worker..and then George,a junior hockey coach, and donates a kidney to him, and then donates bone marrow to a young boy named Nicholas.Then he give his beach house to Connie Tepos and her two beatiful kids,who lives with an abusive boyfriend.
He checks out candidates for his two final donations. The first is Ezra Turner, a blind meat salesman who plays the piano. Tim calls Ezra Turner and harasses him at work to check if he is quick to anger. Ezra remains calm and Tim decides he is worthy.
He then contacts Emily Posa (Rosario Dawson),a beautiful self-employed greeting card printer who has a heart condition and a rare blood type. He spends time with her and begin to fall in love with her.He changes his mind and decide to stay but when doc said thats impossible for Emily to find a donor,so he finally decide that night,,he will go on with his original plan..
He fills the bathtub with ice water to preserve his vital organs, climbs in, and then commits suicide by pulling his extremely poisonous jellyfish into the water with him.Later,,Ezra Turner receives his corneas and Emily receives his heart.
Eventough,critics have given the film generally negative reviews,personally i love this story..i learned few things from it..
- appreciate ur life and what u have..there are lots of people who are not so lucky in their life compare to us..and the ironic is they appreciate life more than we did..
- dont give up easily..lost the loved one doesnt mean it already the end of the world..we still have family and friends who care bout us..
- believe there alwiz second chance/love..maybe its not same as the 1st one,,but it still good in its own way..
- enjoy ur life and live it to the fullest..dun kill urself lorh..hehe
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